Today is International Women’s Day. Supporting and empowering women and girls are fundamental to the work of DSW, something which new strive to achieve every day.

To celebrate this, and the continuing contribution that women have made to DSW’s work, we have given over the blog every day this week to members of DSW to talk about the importance of ‘Women working in Development’.


This lunchtime, we hand it over to Christina Sudi, National Team Coordinator for Communications at DSW Tanzania.


Tell us a little about yourself – who are you and what is your role at DSW?

Christina Sudi is a Community Development Specialist with 10 years experience in Community Work, From 2003 to date  worked with several International and Local NGOs in different capacities in the areas of Rural Development, HIV/AIDS interventions Projects whereby I performed duties related to Community Education towards HIV/AIDS pandemic, Gender, Research, Report Writing, Budgeting and Planning also News editing and presenting with Independent Television (ITV) I have been working with DSW Tanzania for 4 years now,as National Team Coordinator- Communications.


What excites you most about your work at DSW?

Working directly with the community and   see changes in their lives after the interventions motivates me to work hard.


In your view, how have women shaped the global development arena?

Things have changed now and most women are bread winners, when you educate and support women, you have supported the whole community,


Who is your biggest role model?

My Mother, who inspired me education wise and in the field of Community Development.


How will you be marking International Women’s Day this year?

This year DSW Tanzania will participate to celebrate Women’s Day at   Arusha  regional level,which will be conducted in Monduli where WOGE project is implemented.DSW will lead a Symposium on 6th where different stakeholders ,DSW women groups will come together to discuss women’s challenges in health and development in general.

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