Every week we post interesting, provocative, informative and thought-provoking articles that we at DSW have been reading – from global health, to sexual rights, to ODA and the future of development assistance. Enjoy!


  • As CSOs look towards the post-2015 framework, and where global health will fit in, Chatham House have published a paper on the possibility of establishing a ‘Global Fund’ for global health. Read more here


  • Ahead of International Women’s Day this Saturday (March 8th), the Sonke Gender Justice Network discusses how we can engage men more in SRHR policy and implementation. Read more here


  • The Parliament Magazine has a series of articles by MEPs in its latest issue focusing on International Women’s Day. Read more here




  • In Tanzania, there is a greater push from civil society and the government to accelerate access to reproductive health rights. Read more here


  • Bill Gates talks to Wired about how people can contribute to improving the world. Read more here


If we have missed anything you think we SHOULD be reading, then let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter and Facebook!

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